AADHIKARonline 2010 GMT London 22 Nov 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Muhammad Haque reporting the corrupting conduct of the London Guardian in peddling the image of a most corrupting Blairing abuser of inner cities

2044 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 22 November 2006

This is the first published comment on Christine Gilbert as OFSTED chief inspector to be published ANYHWRE about the corruption that she is factually compromised by but the corruption that is being concealed from readers and viewers by ALL the British media that are promoting her as if she has landed from Mars and has brought with her some unique purity which does not exist in any other human on this planet earth.

I shall be commenting in detail and examining Gilbert’s records of disaster in Tower Hamlets in the course of these commentaries

The London Guardian is a most corrupt and corrupting media outlet. Not only does its corrupt editor Alan Rubbisher symbolise the daring brazen corrupt defiance of the Blairing type but the contents of the various Guardian editorial and propaganda and touting operations for the establishment and for the racist colonialist Blaring institutions and conglomerates are increasingly so untruthful and lying that it will take another wholly fledged organisation to be founded with matching resources and technical back up simply to monitor and point out the hourly lies being told by the lying Guardian against society, against humanity and against the very idea of accountability. And this is seen in the Guardian’s sick makingly promotional plug pieces given to the disgraced former chief executive of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council, Christine Gilbert. Gilbert was in post until September this year in a Borough where she allowed widespread corruption of the democratic process to take place. She brought the CrossRail hole threat to the East End. She it was who allowed schools in Tower Hamlets to be praised repeatedly. Every year that OFSTED published reports, Gilbert issued praise for the schools despite the fact that she knew full well that they were letting the community down. Any remotely reasonably truthful news organisation carrying today’s’ Gilbert-OFSTED ‘annual report’ publication news would make a point of Gilbert’s morally compromised position. But there is no sign anywhere in the Guardian’s coverage of even the awareness that Gilbert is so liable for so much blame. The Guardian has today covered the first annual report to be published by OFSTED within days of Gilbert’s taking over the post. In its reporting the Guardian shields Gilbert in the following [one of several] quotes attributed to her today: "Too many schools are inadequate - about one in 12 of those inspected, and in secondary schools this proportion rises to just over one in eight." But there is no sign anywhere in the Guardian's corruptly servile and uncritical coverage of the appalling mess that Gilbert created in one of - if not THE –mostDeprived inner city boroughs in all of England. Tower Hamlets. [To be continued]

Muhammad Haque dissecting Christine Gilbert's first pack of OFSTED lies

This is the first published comment on Christine Gilbert as OFSTED chief inspector to be published ANYHWRE about the corruption that she is factually compromised by but the corruption that is being concealed from readers and viewers by ALL the British media that are promoting her as if she has landed from Mars and has brought with her some unique purity which does not exist in any other human on this planet earth.

I shall be commenting in detail and examining Gilbert’s records of disaster in Tower Hamlets in the course of these commentaries

The London Guardian is a most corrupt and corrupting media outlet. Not only does its corrupt editor Alan Rubbisher symbolise the daring brazen corrupt defiance of the Blairing type but the contents of the various Guardian editorial and propaganda and touting operations for the establishment and for the racist colonialist Blaring institutions and conglomerates are increasingly so untruthful and lying that it will take another wholly fledged organisation to be founded with matching resources and technical back up simply to monitor and point out the hourly lies being told by the lying Guardian against society, against humanity and against the very idea of accountability. And this is seen in the Guardian’s sick makingly promotional plug pieces given to the disgraced former chief executive of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council, Christine Gilbert. Gilbert was in post until September this year in a Borough where she allowed widespread corruption of the democratic process to take place. She brought the CrossRail hole threat to the East End. She it was who allowed schools in Tower Hamlets to be praised repeatedly. Every year that OFSTED published reports, Gilbert issued praise for the schools despite the fact that she knew full well that they were letting the community down. Any remotely reasonably truthful news organisation carrying today’s’ Gilbert-OFSTED ‘annual report’ publication news would make a point of Gilbert’s morally compromised position. But there is no sign anywhere in the Guardian’s coverage of even the awareness that Gilbert is so liable for so much blame. The Guardian has today gives the first annual report to be published by OFSTYED within days of Gilbert’s taking over the post, in the following [one of several] quotes attributed to her today: "Too many schools are inadequate - about one in 12 of those inspected, and in secondary schools this proportion rises to just over one in eight." But there is no sign anywhere in the Guardian's corruptly servile and uncritical coverage of the appalling mess that Gilbert created in one of - if not THE –mostDeprived inner city boroughs in all of England. Tower Hamlets. [To be continued]